Quote of the Week: 24 July 2017

BH The-Princes-in-the-Tower-by-Alison-Weir

Alison Weir, The Princes In The Tower (London: The Folio Society, 1992)

A slight rearrangement of this section.  Instead of one huge sticky post, it’s easier to post as and when I come across something worth sharing.  You can see the previous mega-post by clicking here.

This week’s quotation is attributed to Elizabeth Wydville, widow of Edward IV.  She was, at this stage, in sanctuary with her youngest son, and determined to preserve their lives – and hers – by keeping the two boys separated.

“The desire of a kingdom knoweth no kindred; brothers have been brother’s bane, and may the nephew be sure of his uncle?  Both of these children are safe while they are asunder.”

Clearly, Elizabeth Wydville was, of course, talking about Richard, Duke of Gloucester, but the first sentence would equally apply, I think, to Bolinbroke or Macbeth, to Brutus and – obviously – to Claudius.

Elizabeth I would also, I think, see echoes of Wydville’s statement in her own experiences with Bloody Mary and Mary, Queen of Scots.  It seems that unlike nowadays (I’m looking at you, Mr Trump), being related to the person in charge was a decidedly dodgy position to find yourself in …


Author: Boar's Head, Eastcheap

Hyperactive English Teacher and Tutor; Shakespeare-obsessed 'Villainous abominable misleader of youth'; 'old white-bearded Satan'; Friend of the Orangutan

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